Curriculum Intent
PSHCE (Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship and Economic)/PSED (Personal, Social and Emotional Development) is at the core of what we do at Pickering and Infant Nursery School. We encourage children to take part in a wide range of activities and experiences across and beyond the curriculum, contributing fully to the life of our school and our wider community. Through our whole-school approach, we strive for the children to value themselves as an individual, for them to work well with others and become increasingly responsible for their own learning in an ever-changing world. This is supported by our school motto ‘Learning, Caring, Sharing’ and striving for our children to have high aspirations and a belief in themselves.
PSHCE (Year One and Two) and PSED (Nursery and Reception) is taught across the school from Nursery to Year Two on a weekly basis, and as a school, we have incorporated the North Yorkshire County Council PSHCE Guidance for Schools and Curriculum Entitlement Framework for Key Stage 1-2 for Key Stage 1 (including the statutory Relationship and Sex Education). Our PSHCE curriculum also includes learning objectives for EYFS that are in addition to the new EYFS Curriculum that our children in Nursery and Reception follow.
In an ever-changing society, we believe our PSHCE/PSED curriculum equips children with relevant and meaningful content. It provides firm foundations for our children’s future physical and emotional changes, by developing skills for building positive, enjoyable, respectful, loving and non-exploitative relationships. It promotes a strong understanding of diversity in a multicultural Britain and an understanding of different families. It provides an appropriate awareness of different factors which affect our world, including our children’s future world, and develops age-appropriate strategies to support mental health and well-being.
The RSE elements of our PSHCE/PSED curriculum focus on understanding relationships, friendship and families as well as mental health and well-being and staying safe, including online.
Information about our curriculum can be found by clicking the links below. Equally, further details in our PSHCE/PSED Curriculum Implementation Document are available on request from the school office.